Wednesday, 24 February 2016



Author : Harold Sakuishi

The balls to do to something you love in-spite of all the shit the world throws at you, that is what this manga embodies. It seems to say that if there is something you absolutely love doing any effort spent on it is worthwhile.
This manga comes across as a the manga equivalent of “Rudderless

Premise: 3/5
The story follows the life of  a few people who get together to form an independent rock band. In and off itself, not earth shaking. 
How ever as a slice of life manga it does capture the hardship that the life of a musician often contains as he remains in obscurity and is sidelined by society for daring to think he could make it. Its not all bad though as when they show the bands genius they show it quite well. There are no actual lyrics written except maybe for three songs but there are lots of references to the old rockers – Beatles, Lost Peirot, Nirvana etc.
Music is something that is dominated by feels, It is rather surprising that there is not much of hardcore emotional stuff that happens. The love story in  here is quite understated (still cute though) and never takes the spotlight from the band.
And naturally since this is an independent rock band they become the underdogs fighting against the man. As a band they have to over come the blockade set up by a bigwig in the world of Japanese music.
And finally the infighting within the band, which seems to happen in all movies of such type. It is considerably milder here though, just awkwardness instead of a full on brawl

Plot and story overall 4/5
Yukio ‘Koyuki’ Tanaka is an average preschooler destined for a soulless life as a salary man. His life is changed however when he meets a high-school bad boy Ryusuke "Ray" Minami. These two along with Tsunemi Chiba, Yoshiyuki Taira and Yuji "Saku" Sakura form a band called ‘Beck’ named after Ray’s Frankenstein dog. Together they go on a difficult journey to have their music recognized not only in Japan but in the world. Yup, they are that good.
 The story is pretty simple and straightforward although the number of people against this band is a bit over the top. Although in the beginning it looked like a schoolboys slice of life manga that changes when Koyuki drops out of high-school. After that the manga pretty much focuses on the Japaness Music industry.
Representing the Everyman among the bands of course they would get stonewalled but they remain true to each other and surprisingly managed to stay together. Although Yukio has prodigious talent there is nothing that makes the other band members replaceable. Each and everyone of them are an integral part of BECK. The dream they all share involving great rock legends is a nice touch, gives a ‘chosen’ feel to them 

Characters 3/5

The characters are well rounded and non obtrusive, each person with his own problems and charms. The story never focuses on anyone's life as such, just making oblique mentions of their situation. The only one who gets that kind of attention is Yukio Tanaka. Each character is developed not in his own storyline but rather together as they travel the narrow and difficult path to fame.
Even the villains are well made with the right air of menace to one, and shitty pathetic obnoxiousness to the more minor ones. The only extra in this respect is the presence of Kenichi Saitou a middle aged salary-man who is also a bit of a pervert. He provides much needed humour at the right places.

Art & Design 4/5

The art really good. Each character is drawn in a realistic fashion, and no one has shounenesque distinguishing features, not one of them look like a half-assed job. Each band member has their own unique presence though, and the  character appearance allow each persons personality to shine through. Not as much attention to detail as Oyasumi Punpun, but still a pretty solid work especially the scenes of their Final concert, and the Rock Star Legend dreams...goosebumps people!

I should probably mention that there was a mild amount of fan service in the beginning but it kinda disappears in the middle.

Overall verdict:
This is a definite read from me. Go ahead. I am sure most people would like it. Definitely for you if you are a fan of Rock music and enjoyed reading Bakuman.

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